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What is Facilities IoT?

September 28, 2018|3 Minutes

Even though most of us can agree that technology is very much a part of our daily lives, you may be surprised at how many people aren’t sure what ‘IoT’ stands for. Needless to say, the term ‘Facilities IoT’ is also unfamiliar to many. But with TrustHab introducing Facilities IoT to the student housing industry, it will soon be well known to property managers everywhere.

What does it mean, exactly? Here’s the breakdown.

Simply put, The Internet of Things (also referred to as IoT) can be defined as an ecosystem of connected physical objects that is accessible through the internet. In other words, it’s like a giant network of connected “things,” or devices. Facilities, when associated with the property management industry, tends to refer to the operations within a housing community for which management teams are responsible. Facilities management often includes the oversee of devices within a building that ensure a fully functioning living environment for residents. Think HVAC units, water heaters, leak detection, alarms and security systems.

So when we introduce the wonderful world of IoT to building facilities, the term Facilities IoT is born. When applied to the student housing industry specifically, this cloud-based revolution includes connecting smart devices in multiple residences across an entire building, and leveraging the internet to transmit valuable information from those devices to management staff – without the need for staff to check the device in-person. This helps provide them with visibility into the efficiency of units, streamline maintenance operations and improve the overall student living experience – all without leaving the comfort of their office.

In a housing community that consists of hundreds of units, property managers are often challenged with having to balance the many different responsibilities that come with ensuring a building is running efficiently. With Facilities IoT helping to automate otherwise time-consuming processes for staff, many of their pain points are alleviated and they’re able to dedicate more of their attention to things that need it most – things that IoT can’t help with (yet!).

In summary – while the concept of having more and more devices being able to “talk” to one another might be scary to a lot of people, there are many ways in which IoT is introducing new possibilities for building integrations and paving the way for the evolution of intelligent living spaces. It impacts how we live, work and allows for virtually endless opportunities and connections to take place.

TrustHab is a Facilities IoT Management Solution, purpose-built for student housing.

Contact us now to learn more.


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