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How Properties Can Utilize Energy Management Solutions to Keep Energy Bills to a Minimum This Summer

May 29, 2024|6 Minutes

As summer approaches, property managers face the challenge of maintaining comfortable living conditions while keeping energy costs under control. Rising temperatures cause HVAC systems to work harder, leading to higher energy consumption and increased utility bills. Fortunately, innovative smart building technology is transforming how properties handle energy usage, offering effective solutions that help onsite teams optimize building-wide energy consumption with ease.

Real-Time Monitoring and Insights

IoT-powered energy management solutions are designed to provide property managers with real-time monitoring and insights into energy usage within all units and common areas, whether vacant or occupied. By deploying IoT sensors in strategic locations, these systems continuously gather data on energy consumption patterns to help onsite teams easily identify cost-saving opportunities. This real-time data is accessible via a centralized platform, allowing property managers to remotely adjust device settings to ensure all HVACs are operating at maximum efficiency. Proactively pinpointing faulty units helps prevent excessive energy usage, avert unexpected repair costs, and reduce energy bills.

Optimizing HVAC Performance

HVAC systems are one of the largest contributors to energy consumption in multi-unit residential properties, especially during the summer months. Energy management solutions help property managers optimize HVAC performance by delivering key insights, like HVAC runtime data, into how these units are functioning. The system can automatically identify any HVACs that are underperforming or operating inefficiently, enabling maintenance teams to promptly address emerging issues before they escalate. For instance, an HVAC unit that appears to be running excessively can oftentimes be solved by simply closing a window that has accidentally been left open – a quick fix for an issue that could turn very costly if left unaddressed.  This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of HVAC units but also enhances their performance, contributing to overall energy savings.

Smart Thermostat Integration

Integrating smart thermostats with an energy management solution offers another layer of control over energy usage. Smart thermostats can be programmed to automatically adjust temperatures based on occupancy, ensuring that energy isn’t wasted on cooling vacant units – which is particularly useful for properties that experience periods of high vacancy. For occupied units, smart thermostats are effective at maintaining comfortable temperatures while using energy more efficiently. Through the centralized platform, property managers can set temperature thresholds and configure schedules that align with peak energy usage times to reduce the load on HVAC systems during the hottest parts of the day. Remote control capabilities also allow for adjustments to be made from anywhere, providing further flexibility and convenience in managing energy consumption.

Proactive Maintenance

Another key advantage of an energy management solution is its capability to immediately notify onsite teams of potential issues before they become costly problems. Considering one of the most common challenges for properties is the dependence on residents to report maintenance concerns, a system that features an automated real-time alerting system is a game changer when it comes to reducing time to resolution. By eliminating the need to wait for resident reports, onsite teams can avoid repair costs and minimize equipment downtime to maintain smooth and efficient operations throughout the summer.

Resident Engagement and Education

Engaging and educating residents about energy-saving practices can further enhance the effectiveness of an energy management solution. Providing tips and guidelines on how residents can reduce their energy usage, such as setting thermostats to higher temperatures when they are not home or using fans to supplement cooling, can lead to substantial savings. Fostering a culture of energy awareness can encourage residents to take an active role in reducing their energy footprint and allow communities to promote a sustainable living environment.

Implementing an energy management solution to any multi-unit residential building can have a substantial positive impact on the property’s net operating income. By reducing energy consumption through efficient management and targeted maintenance, properties can achieve significant savings on their utility bills and avoid unnecessary repair costs. Moreover, the insights provided by such a system enable long-term strategic planning, ensuring sustained energy efficiency and cost savings over time.

TrustHab offers an IoT-powered Energy Management Solution that delivers a robust and innovative approach to optimizing energy usage across multifamily, student housing, senior living, and military housing properties. Our platform provides real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and data-driven insights, making it easy for property managers to ensure energy bills are kept to a minimum while maintaining comfortable living conditions for residents. Contact us today to discover how TrustHab’s IoT energy management solution will help your property enjoy a cooler, more cost-effective summer, and increase net operating income.