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How HVAC Runtime Insights Can Help Properties Cut Costs and Boost NOI

June 18, 2024|6 Minutes

As property managers look for ways to enhance operational efficiency and reduce expenses, one of the most significant areas for potential cost savings lies with HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. HVAC systems are typically the largest consumers of energy in multi-unit residential buildings, and their performance directly impacts both profitability and resident satisfaction. By utilizing smart building technology to gain actionable insights into HVAC runtime, properties can proactively pinpoint equipment inefficiencies, easily optimize building-wide energy usage, and substantially cut costs. Here’s how.

Key Benefits of HVAC Runtime Insights

1. Energy Cost Savings

Continuous monitoring of HVAC performance empowers property managers to remotely identify inefficiencies such as short cycling, excessive runtime, or inadvertently open windows, which can all lead to significantly inflated costs if overlooked. By addressing these issues as soon as they occur, properties can effectively reduce electricity bills and improve overall energy efficiency. Additionally, detailed insights into HVAC usage patterns provide valuable data for optimizing temperature settings based on actual occupancy levels. For instance, HVAC systems can be configured to scale back output during unoccupied periods and ramp up just before residents return, ensuring comfort while minimizing energy consumption. This approach also prevents unnecessary energy waste from occurring in units that are vacant for extended periods of time.

2. Extended Equipment Lifespan

Strategically managing HVAC system runtime involves controlling the amount of time the system operates to minimize wear and tear on essential components, such as compressors and motors. By carefully regulating runtime, property managers can reduce the frequency of breakdowns and extend the overall lifespan of the equipment, thereby maximizing its value. Providing onsite teams with the remote ability to adjust thermostat settings across all units and common areas ensures that HVAC systems continuously operate at peak efficiency, ultimately delaying the need for costly replacements and contributing to additional savings for operators.

3. Enhanced Resident Comfort and Satisfaction

Maintaining a comfortable indoor climate through effective HVAC operation is vital for resident comfort and satisfaction, potentially decreasing vacancy rates and turnover costs – both of which can severely impact profitability. Real-time alerts that automatically notify onsite teams of inefficiently performing HVAC units eliminate the need to wait for resident complaints, allowing staff to remedy issues before they turn costly and avert potential disruptions or resident displacement expenses. Providing a comfortable living environment not only helps in retaining existing residents but also attracts new ones, thereby improving long-term occupancy stability and enhancing the financial success of a property.

Implementing HVAC Runtime Monitoring

To experience the cost-saving benefits of HVAC runtime insights, properties can implement a combination of IoT (Internet of Things) smart building technology and advanced analytics:

1. Deploy IoT Sensors and Smart Thermostats

  • IoT Sensors: Install IoT sensors throughout the property to monitor temperature, humidity, and HVAC system performance. These compact sensors provide real-time data on HVAC runtime and environmental conditions, which is visible to onsite teams via a centralized platform.
  • Smart Thermostats: Use smart thermostats to gain precise control over HVAC systems. These devices can be configured and controlled remotely, allowing for dynamic adjustments based on occupancy and weather conditions. Smart thermostats that feature humidity monitoring capabilities can help prevent conditions that are conducive to costly mold growth.

2. Leverage Advanced Analytics

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Collect data from IoT sensors and analyze it to identify patterns and anomalies in HVAC runtime. Advanced analytics tools can provide actionable insights and recommendations for optimizing system performance.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Employ predictive analytics and real-time alerts to forecast potential maintenance requirements based on operational data. Proactively tending to issues helps prevent expensive equipment failures and maintains peak performance of HVAC systems.

 3. Implement Energy Management Strategies

  • Zone Control: Divide the property into different zones and adjust HVAC settings based on occupancy and usage patterns in each zone. This targeted approach is an effective method to reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing utility bills.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust HVAC settings seasonally to account for changes in weather and occupancy. For example, reduce heating output during warmer months and increase it during colder months.

Considering the substantial cost saving opportunities and enhanced operational effectiveness associated with an HVAC runtime monitoring system, it emerges as a highly valuable investment for any property seeking to optimize its financial performance and resident experience.

TrustHab’s IoT-powered energy management solution offers continuous, automated monitoring of HVAC runtime throughout a property. With a proven track record of enabling onsite teams to significantly cut expenses and boost property NOI, TrustHab’s smart building technology stands out as the preferred option for top multifamily and student housing property operators nationwide. Explore our partner success stories to discover why.